K Manju’s `God Father’ will be known as the first Kannada film that will have six original tunes from the living legend, music maestro A R Rahman. It is a privilege for any director to rope in the Oscar award winning music composer for his film. But this is old news, the latest on the block is that Rahman has slashed down his fee for this Kannada film.
Reportedly, Rahman is charging Rs.1.5Crores for the film which is just the half of what he charges for a Tamil film. Earlier many Kannada films had tunes that were inspired from Rahman’s compositions. Kannada film `Sajani’ starring Sharmila Mandre, Sameer Dattani alias Dhyan, had reshaped tunes from Rahman’s earlier films.
But this will the first time Rahman will be credited for a Kannada film. But the question is that why has he shown this generosity of cutting down his fee for the film. Sources say that he closeness with the director of the film Sethu Shreeram is the main reason behind this.
However, Producer K Manju refuses to confirm the remuneration and says “It’s a matter of pride that Rahman agreed to compose six original tunes for our film.”