
A.R.Rahman : India Today power list 2011

By April 5, 2011 No Comments


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Music Of The Spheres

Because Whether its the CWG anthem ot the US president’s dinner in washington for Manmohan Singh, he is the man called to ceate musical magic.

Because he is the perfect ambassador for india’s soft power, a hindu who converted islam and creates music for movies across the world.

Because film directors don’t choose him, he chooses them.

ONE REGRET Missing the chance to meet popular song writer and singer Bryan Adams because of his schedule at the Oscar ceremony.

ULTIMATE ENDORSEMENT I have heard interesting compositions of Rahman and would love to work with him in the near future”. says Steven Spielberg

HOT PROPERTY A newly purchased home-cum-studio in Los Angeles

TRUE CONFESSION He contemplated suicide during his early years of struggle

Hearty Thanks To Mr.Gopal Srinivasan

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