It is for the first time in Indian market the audio release of a film album has been advanced. The much awaited and anticipated audio release of Mani Ratnam’s ‘Kadal’ which was scheduled to come out on the 17th of December has hit the stores a couples of day earlier and is now available for the fans from today (15th Dec).
This is the debut film of Gautham Karthick and Tulasi Nair which is directed in music by AR Rahman and the music of Kadal has become a runaway chartbuster. Seeing the phenomenal advance booking for the album, Sony Music has advanced its audio launch by two days!
A Sony Music spokesperson said “There was a terrific buzz and unbelievable advance booking orders for Kadal album, so we decided to advance its release by two days and get a huge opening during the weekend.”
Expectations were already high on the audio of ‘Kadal’, especially after two songs Nenjukulley, and Elay Keechan were released online and both have become highly popular and even topped the iTunes chart. Fans no longer need to wait and can grab their CDs from the stores.
iTunes Chart