Pawan Kalyan fans and Ar Rahman fans are searching for Komaram Puli mp3 songs from two days. According to web sources, the songs of Komaram Pulihave been leaked on web two days back. Some mp3 downloadwebsites have already uploaded the songs in File sharing websitesand linking to those websites. The audio release of Komaram Puli is scheduled on 11th July 2010 and the leakage of the songs is still not leaving both AR Rahman and Pawan Kalyan. Earlier, Pawan Kalyan’s Jalsa songs (both audio and video) leaked and AR Rahman’s Shivaji songs got leaked too.
Sony Music has bought the audio rights of the film for a huge amount of 2crores. Komaram Puli songs scheduled to be released tomorrow and to be live telecasted by Tv9 Channel. The audio release telecast of Komaram Puli will be aired from 11am on Tv9. AR. Rehman would be attending the audio function.
Nikisha Patel is playing the female lead in the film and the movie is directed by SJ Surya, who earlier directed ‘Khushi’ and is produced by Singanamala Ramesh. S. J. Suryaah’s dream project and big budget project until now in his career. The word Komaram is taken from the surname of the Gond martyr Komaram Bheem, who fought against the erstwhile Asaf Jahi dynasty for the liberation of Hyderabad State. requests the Music lovers not to download theKomaram Puli mp3 songs which causes loss to the Music Industry. Buy original Cassettes and CD’s and SAVE Music Industry.